Monday, February 23, 2009


I spent this weekend in Louisville KY at a conference for fitness professionals. And now I am sitting in the Philadelphia airport thinking over the people I met and things I learned over the past few days. Mainly about a conversation I had at supper last night with one of the top fitness professionals in the country.

First I must admit that going into this weekend I was a little nervous and unsure what it would be like but it turned out to be an amazing experience. I will include some of the highlights and information later.

The conversation got me to thinking about how we often live and approach life. We often live in bubbles. Safe secure lives. Never going outside our comfortable boxes. Going outside of our comfort zones is challenging. We often get comfortable and complacent with our lives. Most people simply don't like change.

It is at times when we face challenges and find ourselves in uncomfortable situations that we really find out the most about ourselves. Getting outside the lines is something I enjoy. How else will you know what's out there? Challenges stir up thoughts that we are not accustomed to. They make us adapt. Being outside of our box causes us to make a choice. We must get stronger to survive or we get weaker and die.

We do this in every aspect of our lives. We avoid change like the plague. Whether it be improving our diet, starting an exercise program, learning a new language, talking to new people, or even saying "I'm sorry", we often find excuses not to do it. It hurts. Its tough. Its not comfortable. Its a challenge.

I want to challenge you to challenge yourself this week. Do something different. Do something you need to do. Make yourself better. You can keep living inside your comfortable box or you can get outside your box and face the challenges so you can grow and thrive.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Keys to Achieving Your Goals

The key to success is to know where you are and setting your sights on where you want to be. We often set goals but never achieve them. It is easy to say I want to, but often difficult to get there. Good goals allow you to set up an effective plan of action. Executing a good plan will guide you down the pathway to your goals.

First you must decide you want to make a change. Decide that you want to achieve and live a better life. You are in control. No one can or will make you do it. IT STARTS WITH YOU!

Goal Setting

Goals need to be specific and measurable. Both short term and long term goals should be set with end results that are measureable and a timetable to achieve these results. Open ended goals are seldom met. Having a measureable goal gives a specific point and reason. Whether it is losing weight, being stronger, running faster, eating better, or being healthier and feeling better; measureable goals set up a bullseye to aim at. And having a set timetable gives a point by which to hit the bullseye. If your goal is to lose 6 inches off your waist in 4 months, then in 2 months you should be able to measure and if you are on track have lost 3 inches. Having specific short and long term goals will allow you to know if you are on track. Now with specific goals and a timetable in mind, put it on paper to make it real. Make a commitment to yourself and share your goals with someone else. Putting your goals in writing and sharing them with others makes your goals real and those you share your goals with may often ask how you are progressing with your goals.

Developing a Plan
Goals give a target but the plan is vital in assuring a bullseye. A detailed plan provides a path to follow along the journey to achieving your goals. Goal attention deficit disorder is very common in today’s microwave society. A solid plan should be as specific and detailed as our goals. Know up front that achieving your goals will take time and plan accordingly. It took time to get where you are now, its going to take time to get to where you want to be. Keeping detailed records will increase your accountability and help you on the road to your goals.

Executing a Plan
Without a doubt this is the most important part of achieving your goals. If goals are set, plans developed, but never carried out they do not benefit you. Imagine going on a summer vacation to the beach. You make the hotel reservations, pack your swim suit and flip flops. You have planned out your route and loaded your bags in the car. But you never put the key in the ignition and drive. You are unable to tell stories of relaxing on the beach and show off your tan if you never go.

Along the way, goals and plans may need to be reset but not given up. Keeping detailed records will increase your accountability and help you on the road to your goals. If you are behind on your goals you can either reset your goals and extend the timeline or change your plan and keep your timeline. If you are ahead of schedule, don’t sit back and decide to put forth less effort, reset your goals for a shorter timetable and set new long term goals.

You must carry out the plan in order to achieve your goals. There will be bumps and detours along the way. Don’t ever give up. There may be times when you venture off the path away from your plan but don’t give up. One of my best friends says a key to success is to avoid speed bumps. The road you are on may still have pot holes and small bumps along the way but if you know where the speed bumps are you can handle the small things and avoid the large speed bumps. Keeping detailed records will increase your accountability and help you on the road to your goals. You will be able to look back and learn what your speed bumps are and how to avoid them.

1. Decide you want to make a change.
2. Set a goal.
3. Make a plan.
4. Execute the plan.
5. Revel in SUCCESS!!

Monday, February 9, 2009



The best time is now. Now is the only time that we are promised. At the urging of a few close friends I decided to start this blog to share my thoughts and theories about health, nutrition, and exercise. Although it took me a little while to finally put up my first post, here it is!

I knew that if I waited for the perfect time I would never start a blog. That’s how most of us are. It may be starting an exercise program, stopping a bad habit, eating better, trying something new, asking the girl that is way out of your league out on a date, or facing our fears. We often find excuses not to do it. And one that I have heard from friends, patients and must admit I have personally used is “it’s just not a good time right now”. I’ve found that “just not a good time” usually turns into never gonna be a good time. No more excuses. No more waiting until tomorrow. Start now. Just over a month ago everyone was talking about how much they over ate during the holidays with big plans to lose it all starting New Years day. Chances are your New Year resolutions are already gone. Research shows that 80% of New Years resolutions are given up by January 31ist and only 5% are still intact at the end of the year. If you are doing well with your resolutions, I commend you. Keep up the good work. If you have fallen by the wayside and have given up on your resolutions, now is the time to set new goals and get on your way to achieving them.

Through this blog, it is my hope to share with you information that will help you along the way to improving your health.