Little changes make a big difference in the end. A small change now can result in a big change over time. Health and fitness industry often bombards us with the before and after pictures in advertisements but we never see what happened in between. So how do people lose 100 pounds or drop 12 dress sizes or get ripped abs? It didn’t happen over night. It took time and effort. Lots of effort and time. But it all started with one small change. Change is something that we naturally resist. Our bodies naturally reject change, especially severe radical changes. The majority of people who have successfully quit smoking did it gradually. Cold turkey often leads to severe cravings that the mind is not strong enough to resist and you’re back where you started. So if you want to make a change make it gradual.
Drinking 5 cokes a day? Start with substituting 1 with some water. You still get 4 a day.
Going out to eat everyday? Pack a healthy meal twice a week.
Sugary snacks at work? Bring some fresh fruit to work.
Take a few minutes to improve your life. Small steps will turn into a great journey to a better you.
Be Better