“Can you set me up a diet plan?”
“Gladly. What have you eaten over the past 3 days?”
“Everything? I don’t remember everything.”
“No big deal, just write down everything you eat and drink for the next 3 days and I’ll be glad to help you out.”
This is a conversation that I have had more times than I can count. Usually, then I get a response that they just want me to write something down for them or they say ok but never mention it again.
When it comes to making a change, we have to know where we have been and where we are in order to know where we are going. When it comes to diet and exercise, it is difficult to see our faults and make the proper changes. One way to make a change in our diets is to take a close look at what we are actually eating. And because most of us can not remember everything that we ate today much less 3 days ago, keeping a dietary food log is the best way to remember everything we eat.
Keeping a food log is very easy. Keep a 3x5 note card in your pocket and write down everything that you eat. Now you don’t have to carry a scale around with you and measure everything, but be as accurate as you can. Make sure to include all the liquids too.
After a few days, take a look at your card. Don’t beat yourself up if it didn’t go exactly the way you had hoped. Focus on the good choices that you made and look for ways to improve. Don’t try to change it all in one day. Set a goal to make one change this week.
Writing it down makes it real. Writing it down helps you remember. Writing it down will help you make the proper changes and choices. Writing it down will help to make you better.
Be better.